Today's Conservative News

China Stuns U.S. Intelligence with Hypersonic Missile Test

The Financial Times reported on Saturday that U.S. intelligence agencies were caught by surprise when China secretly tested a nuclear-capable low-orbit hypersonic missile in August. The weapon circled the globe before descending upon its target, missing by about two dozen miles.

Marlow: ‘A Semi-Responsible Media’ Would Constantly Press Buttigieg for any ‘Reasonable Explanation’ for Economic Problems

On Saturday’s edition of Newsmax TV’s “The Count,” Breitbart News editor-in-chief Alex Marlow, author of Breaking the News: Exposing the Establishment Media’s Hidden Deals and Secret Corruption, said Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg was absurdly “indignant” that people thinking someone in charge of running a government agency shouldn’t be taking two months off during a crisis.